Sunday, March 6, 2016

Oil hits lowest price per barrel in over ten years in February; speculators push it back up over $30! And don't get me started on "summer blend" California gasoline = another ripoff!    

Thursday, June 12, 2014


This year / this time it's Iraq again. Use the Al Queda bogeyman to push oil prices (and profits) up. Captive audience of consumers is easily distracted from glut of North Dakota oil being refined and  sold to Latin America and across the Pacific to Japan and Korea...and maybe getting to China. It's just a great big wad of bullspit to drain the struggling but populous middle class.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Crude Oil Nears $100 a barrel...again.

As an oil analyst wrote, "'s only a matter of time before crude breaks $100."

And only a matter of time before the high cost of fuel breaks *US*!

I keep wondering what the history books will say about all of Western civilization being controlled for decades by its source of fuel, and by the people who control that fuel. Hopefully there will be someone
who survives this idiocy to write about it.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

DOW drops 560 points in 2 days..."on Fed fears"

You mean, investors are worried that the Federal Reserve will stop shoveling cash into the Slop Market?? Could it be people have realized that this is all that's holding up the economy, fattening the rich faster than ever?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A NEW global recession? PIMCO says 60% chance. I say higher!

...considering Europe never really pulled out of the first one! The Eurecession is five years old and some EU countries are worse off than ever. What does this mean for the USA and its faltering recovery? It's gotten a lot better for the wealthy, but lagging re-employment and the continuing plundering of consumer wealth by the BANKS and OIL COMPANIES probably means we'll join them. Best case scenario: American workers may finally realize the system has been screwing them all along, and find a way to take back the comfortable lifestyle that their labor should provide!.